- THE Xian ANTICHRIST -The Ongoing Inquest of A Murderer Of The GospelMy first question is, how does one choose between all the ways that are out there, or even between the ways that claim to be following the Messiah (Christ), and especially those who claim to have personal relationships with the supreme divinity? If a prudent man should mount an honest inquiry of the Scriptures he should also present his findings to those willing and able to just as honestly examine them for error. One would hope such a thing answers to the idea of boldly contending for the faith, certainly not in isolated anonymity. Didn't the Apostle Paul contend with opposition at the Athens Areopagus and other places? As for my question about the way of righteousness I'll attempt to explain as follows: Most are aware of the idea of killing the heir in order to either take his place or simply to keep him from receiving the rights of a son. In that regard I perceive that Cain's preemptive move against Abel represents the essence of Antichrist. The former brought an unacceptable gift to the LORD. It was one that lacked the important element of personal sacrifice (Romans 12:1) in that he brought fruits and vegetables which at the time were given as food to be eaten. In other words it was lawful to eat as sustenance what one had personally cultivated. Cain's reasoning was as if to say, "Here, I have my labor invested in these fruits of the ground and I bring them to you as a gift." Abel, by stark contrast, brought that in which he had also invested labor -- but by the law then in effect, the meat of animals was not given as food. Therefore his gift to the LORD represented a net loss and was therefore sacrificial. This is surely the basis for the declaration:
Perhaps being righteous is to be thoughtful about one's ways. What would have become of Abel had he followed suit with Cain? Yet Wisdom is justified by her children. Those won't be found on the multi-laned Broadway, which I view as the myriad divisions of the kingdom of Satan. Why would a man attempting to gain wisdom from above associate himself with any of the extant evangelistic masquerades of righteousness? Is there such a thing as an evangelistic profanity? But what else could such a masquerade be called, in view of Paul's statement?
Given such insight, wouldn't that have been a fulfillment of prophecy?
It seems clear enough that the implications of discernment allude to learning the difference between a counterfeit and the real thing. In that sense the idea of anti-Christ is worth careful consideration. --MRKnight 2004 The Ongoing Inquest of Antichrist |