The Electrochemical Body /w Its Electromagnetic Mind
Within the body and outside the body, there's a psychophysiological communications system in place that serves as regulator between the two venues. From a digital standpoint, it could be called a "network interface controller" with responsibilities for vital signal exchanges between axons (going) and dendrites (coming).

Chemicals facilitate the ability of axons to fire across the necessary gaps between neurons. Eventually, neurotransmitters in turn cause the release of chemicals that sustain everything from the reproductive instinct to the fight-or-flight response.

Just as chemicals often incite an almost instant electrical response, so do electrical impulses in turn provoke chemical dumps from the brain, sometimes almost as rapidly. To understand that is to know why a cow is said to be "settled." Soon after a bull had relieved her (...i.e., her female) of the burden of estrous ("...gone a-bullin'," as Dad would put it), farmers would nod their heads, saying, "Yep, she's bred..."

Sure enough, chemicals in the semen provoked an electrical signal from the ovum telling the cow, "Problem solved, the little swimmer has settled in...," and both cow and bull went back to grazing. So the ovum signals the rest of the system, including the farmer, that this particular battle of the sexes is over. The reproductive scheme is beyond marvelous.

How does knowing that clarify the following?

This settles two issues: (hits=1038)

  1. that, apart from impregnation, squirting semen into a woman is to 'know her' hence to have married her. Rendered that way How many women will a man have taken to wife in his sexual lifetime? Is there more to know?
  2. and from an understanding of this idea, to also realize how it works that a man and woman become one via the electrochemical system at work in the marvelously complex psychophysical human construct.

It could be said that such are the fundamentals of life, without which a man blunderers about in the darkness of an insufficient reality.

A change in those arrangements can either add or eliminate certain functions in the renewal process of the full psychophysical spectrum. The powerful pleasure centers of the brain containing the opiates that underwrite the runaway sexual urge in humans to screw year-round would be eliminated, since a renewal of the original regenerative scenario is returned to normal.

The existing scenario has been very abnormal for eons. Bucks and does, bulls and heifers behave according to the rules. Human are highly manipulated sexual rogues. Have you an explanation for why that is?

In spite of all that extra fucking, in spite of some rogue interference in the DNA pool, they can't get much more than a set of twins per year, and if they do, it's a bit on the rare side. So much for the snare represented by the basic Pleasure Syndrome. If it didn't feel good many people wouldn't do it. In the end, sex is hijacked for nasty reasons, mostly that sex sells and empty promises rule the world.

As it happens, I'm a fraternal twin. Mom's own twin fallopian tubes each contained a ovum. Dad's male did its part and there we were, me 30 minutes late. Nonetheless, that was the original design of the classic female that's erroneously used interchangeably with the woman that owns it. But cut it whichever way floats your rubber duck; women have the female and men have the male. Neither a male nor a female every drove the get-a-way-car. They couldn't see over the steering wheel.

Science should be looking for an electrical switch to flip, not dabbling in DNA as if humans were plants. Why treat the supreme electrical system as if it were not at the top of the human hierarchy?

Life ongoing depends on the Outward Man having a proper relationship with the Inward Man. The one can't do without the other. Don't give up your container and don't mistreat what's in it.

Most have it backwards, not knowing the ways in which the main electromagnetic function exists in perpetual jeopardy. Death is guaranteed when external influences are allowed access to (and urged to do so) certain naked axon nerve bundles. There are seven of these points of entry, which paganism calls the chakras. They want them open because pleasure is equated with the fleeting and momentary health produced by Reiki but requires constant attention. So-called Christian healing uses the same methodologies, gains the same results without the strict rules accompany the former group. Even so it's a tooth-and-toenail battle with no end in sight. Everybody ends up dead anyway.

I should mention, for whatever it's worth, that I've been a heavy smoker since 1958 and an insulin-dependent diabetic since 1967. I could add a few other personal idiosyncrasies. I'll be 73 in little more than two months.

The Electromagnetic Kingdom of the Air

August 2018